28th Annual
Chambersburg Trout Derby Countdown
May 3rd & 4th 2025
Trout Derby Check-In Station
125 West Washington Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
125 West Washington Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
How Are the Funds Used?
The Chambersburg Noontime Lions Club and the Rotary Club of Chambersburg are seeking the support of our local business community for the 28th Annual Trout Derby. Over the past 27 years this event has generated nearly $550,000 used to support the purchase of eyeglasses and vision exams, scholarships, state and international Lions Club projects, and local non-profit charitable contributions, including Franklin County Library System, Meals on Wheels, United Way, Chambersburg YMCA, American Cancer Society, Boy & Girls Scouts, and many others.